The xDREAMS are a collection of 10,000 unique nft artistic dreams located on the xrpl. Inspired and start as hi-res photographs of natural objects and then come to life on a digital canvas
xDREAMS 2nd Generation
(click the link below to mint xDREAMS 2nd Gen - while they're still available)
xDREAMS 1st Gen
(NFT's #1-1000)
xDREAMS 2nd Gen
(NFT's #1001-2000)
Tokenomics and Distribution
$xDREAMS will have a limited supply of only 10,000 tokens. no more will ever be added. the xDREAMS nfts will be issued on the xrpl because it's the most environmentally friendly blockchain. the xrpl is also extremely reliable and very cost efficient.

Breakdown of $xDREAMS supply (10,000)
3,000 will be airdropped (30%)
1,000 will be for giveaways (10%)
2,000 will be open to continue Airdrop OR burn (20%)
1,000 for marketing and partnerships (10%)
2,000 for development & operations (20%)
1,000 for founders (10%)

phase 1
release website
release twitter
release whitepaper
continue to develop xDREAMS nfts
release $xDREAMS token on the xrpl
XUMM KYC verification
phase 2
1st airdrop - 1,000 $xDREAMS – 10,000 trustlines that are verified through global id – Completed Jan 26, 2022
2nd airdrop – $xDREAMS – Prorated dependent on amount of $xDREAMS an address holds - Completed February 2, 2022
3rd airdrop – $xDREAMS – Prorated dependent on amount of $xDREAMS an address holds - Completed February 9, 2022
4th airdrop – $xDREAMS – Prorated dependent on amount of $xDREAMS an address holds - Completed February 24, 2022
5th airdrop – $xDREAMS – Prorated dependent on amount of $xDREAMS an address holds - Completed March 6, 2022
$xDREAMS Airdrops – Have been completed and remaining tokens will be taken out of circulation and burned
minting of the xDREAMS nfts (1 xDREAMS nft for every 1 $xDREAMS token)
collaborate with other nft xrpl projects
phase 3
release xDREAMS merchandise
release 2nd nft project
create loyalty program for xDREAMS nft holders
Loyalty Rewards Program
Breakdown of $WAKEx supply (10 Billion)
5,000,000,000 (5 Billion)
Delivered as a THANK YOU to xDREAMS Holders over the next 5 years (July 2022 - July 2027) Dates, Amounts and Distribution Channels are TBD. Will be based on the amount of xDREAMS tokens held for each particular distribution
1,000,000,000 (1 Billion)
Available to place on DEX listings (Sologenic & XUMM) to provide liquidity
3,000,000,000 (3 Billion)
Set aside for marketing, operations and development
1,000,000,000 (1 Billion)
Set aside for Founder